Another Amazon PPC case study! Keep reading for details.
Case Study: PPC Management
Situation: The client had an invention that he launched on Amazon, and it became a best seller with over 1000+ reviews. He was running Amazon Ads himself, but it became a hassle and a worry to check in on it every day with his busy life.
Also, he wasn’t sure if he was doing everything that needed to be done. He was afraid that by doing it himself he could be wasting $1,000’s per month in adspend. So he decided to outsource to an expert. done for you system amazon
Goals: Get adspend and ACoS under control, while maintaining or growing sales.
Results: We took over PPC campaigns at the beginning of October. Within a month of taking over, sales began to climb, and ACoS began to improve, with a steady improvement!

Below are the KPI’s compared to the previous 2 months since we took
over. Not only is ACoS down, but CPC is also down by 34%.

Below is a glimpse at some of our Sponsored Placement PPC Campaigns.

In summary, this is a great case study showing how our PPC optimization can lower your ACoS!
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